Links ! Links ! Links ! |
The truth about TWA-800: The UFO Controversy
The Black Vault - Numerous UFO related documents released under the FOIA
Goro Adachi's Prophetic Insights
Dreamland Interactive Entertainment UFO
UFOs, Political Scandals & Conspiracies
The EBE Page - The Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity page!
Stuart's Photo File - Library of Crop Circle Photos.
Anomalous Images & UFO Files - Numerous enhanced photos of structures on the moon and Mars and also a great variety of UFO files!
Land of Enchantment - Metaphysical Page
Dragonbane's homepage.
VJ Enterprises - Excellent page with lots of New Age & UFO Info.
Discovering Atlantis - Rand & Rose Flem-ath's search for Atlantis and their stunning discovery that this legendary island continent is non other than present-day ice covered Antarctica!!
The Great Pyramid - A Dreamland Report
The Chupacabra Page - An alien animal or a genetic experiment gone wrong?
UFOInfo - Need to contact a UFO group in your country? : Here are the addresses and other info you may need!
UFOs, A Closer Look - Interesting pages with good info. Also mirrors some files of the Computer UFO Network (CUFON) BBS.
Borderland - A UFO/Paranormal Magazine (Japanese only, for now!)
John Anthony West - The man who dated the Sphinx to 10,500 years ago!!
Graham Hancock - Author of "Fingerprints of the Gods" and co-author of "The Message of the Sphinx"
Whitley Strieber - Abductee, author of several books about his experience!
ContactLAB - Paul Vigo's (pavig on IRC) excellent pages - You MUST visit this site!
The Truly Dangerous Company - A special effects company that demonstrates how the "Santilli alien autopsy" footage can be faked and gives a step-by-step account of the glaring errors that are visible in this footage.
I.R.C.U.P. - Independant Centre For Unexplained Phenomena
UFO Enigma Museum, Roswell, New Mexico - A must visit for anyone who wants to learn more about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash!
The Ultimate Ufologists WWW page - The name says it all!
LifeQuest - UFO Books and Videos
UFO CD-ROM - You MUST have this NEW CD-ROM!!
Wally World UFO Page - Links, UFO Info and the Official EFNET #UFO Channel page
KeelyNet - Free Energy / Gravity Control / Electronic Health
OVNIs in Mexico - The Carlos Diaz Case
Alien Message to Humanity - The Michael Dunbar Experience
UFOZone BBS - Buenos Aires, Argentina
EarthPulse Press - HAARP Info (Dr Nick Begich's home page)
Art Bell on Audionet - Listen to Art live over the net or hear an archived program (beginning 29 May, 1996)
Paranet Continuum on Audionet - Michael Corbin presents a 1 hour program on UFOs and the Unexplained!
The Laura Lee Talk Show page - No audio available from this page
TST Radio - $50 buys you 100 hours listening time. Highly recommended!
SpaceZone - General Space Info & Live Broadcasts of Shuttle Audio
If you do not want your pages to appear on this links page or you would like your pages linked or you find that any of the above are "dead links", send a message to John Joseph Mercieca specifying your URL and any other info, such as type and content of page, etc. (Due to space limitations and subject matter, I cannot accept all URLs. Thank you)